Anyone wondering where the new headquarters is, it's just off the coast of Mark Sanderson.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Can all 7 members of the Governing Body ride in this elevator at the same time?
by Alfred inin case the picture didn't load.... i'm referring to an elevator with a (quite common) weight capacity of 1,500 lbs.. would the 7 members of the governing body exceed this weight limit??
david splane: 195 pounds.
stephen lett: 205 pounds.
The joy and value of human interaction. A truly heartwarming video to watch!
by stuckinarut2 inwith so many negative things occupying our minds as ones who have escaped the society, we need to focus on positive and upbuilding things.. this clip is wonderful.
find their other stuff at www.theliberators.orgĀ .
contrary to all we were told as witnesses, most people in this world are truly lovely, sincere people.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Loved this. Everyone, put down your IG and phone and just LOOK the other person in the eye for a minute. You'll feel something inside that no amount of "likes" can give you. I swear, technology has done a real number on people's souls. Nuke the cellular phone towers!
Sent from my Blackberry 10 smartphone on the Vodafone network.
In what decade was it clearly apparent that Watchtower was a high control religion?
by UnshackleTheChains ini'm just curious to get people's views on this.. the bible students seem to start of as quite a liberal group under charles taze russell, albeit he had some whacky teachings going on.
obviously things began to change under rutherford.
but what decade did it become abundantly clear that the society was indeed high control religion or even labeled a cult?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@LisaRose William Schnell became a Witness back in the 1920s and woke up in the 1950s, so that supports your point. Even back then, folks were realizing all is not right with Watchtower.
His book is 30 Years a Watchtower Slave. I've never read it, but I'd say it was one of the earlier books on awakening and exiting the cult.
Married Jehovah's Witness is caught stripping in a stranger's living room as his horrified wife watches by live video link
by jwleaks inonly in the uk.. a woman who was worried her jehovah's witness husband was cheating set him up and then watched in horror as he was seduced after knocking on someone's door.
the honeytrap was laid for the suspicious wife with the help of youtubers to catch a cheater.
they arranged for an actress to wait at one of the houses on the husband's outreach round and try to seduce him.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
I'm calling bullsh*t on this video from To Catch A Cheater. The supposed brother knocked on the temptress' door in jeans, a short-sleeved shirt and a backpack. This is not standard JW apparel. Plus, this is the first of Luis' videos that he's ever censored, and he provided a link to the uncensored clip that you need to pay for. Click bait. TCAC has always been my schadenfreude fix, but now I'm doubting the credibility of all the other clips :(.
My unbelieving husband was offended by the WatchTower just studied
by Isambard Crater init was the paragraph talking about people who don't want to be j.w's being executed, and it being an act of compassion from jehovah towards his witnesses..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
This Jehovah guy sounds charming. Anyone got his number?
November 2017 JW broadcasting HYPOCRISY!
by stuckinarut2 i am on a bit of a temper tantrum rant here...but if anyone has (endured) watched this month's broadcast, you will know what i mean!.
i have only watched 20 mins so far, and the hypocrisy is mind blowing.
they dare to go on about how thoroughly they research the material produced, so that errors are prevented etc.. for instance, the actually say how they ensure that a scientist is not misquoted, or that an "evolutionist" is not inaccurately quoted to make it seem like his comments are different to his intentions.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@punkofnice Meh, good riddance. Kept attracting lightning bolts and mentally unstable folk looking for shelter in a cult.
November 2017 JW broadcasting HYPOCRISY!
by stuckinarut2 i am on a bit of a temper tantrum rant here...but if anyone has (endured) watched this month's broadcast, you will know what i mean!.
i have only watched 20 mins so far, and the hypocrisy is mind blowing.
they dare to go on about how thoroughly they research the material produced, so that errors are prevented etc.. for instance, the actually say how they ensure that a scientist is not misquoted, or that an "evolutionist" is not inaccurately quoted to make it seem like his comments are different to his intentions.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Me after the Broadcast:
Hugh Hefner died a few weeks back but no post on it. Interesting.
by Still Totally ADD ini bring this up because like me i sure many of the men who was kids in the wt cult got their first taste of what a nude women looked like.
it was the adolescent male sex education for most of us.
one friend i had who's dad was a elder told me they always had playboys in his house because his dad subscribed to them.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
I saw my first hardcore pornographic magazines when I was six or seven. You want to know how?
Field service.
Yep. I was busting to pee and was lead to a householder's dingy bathroom. There, I found a tattered collection of adult magazines next to the toilet. I remember staring at the women and praying so hard to Jehovah...
...that I would one day grow up to look as beautiful as these starlets.
Religion is just like Advertising!
by stuckinarut2 ina thought occurred to me today, that religion is just like a clever marketer or advertiser.
first , a "problem" is created, then the advertiser offers the "solution"!.
religion does the same!
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@stuckinarut2 I agree. It's not right that organizations such as WT hold a charitable status when evidently, it's all business. Faith is a product, and it has its own market since not everyone requires this particular product. Hence, the organization SHOULD be taxed like all other secular businesses.
The Great Pyramid of Gizeh: New Light!
by Ding inthe guardian has a story about a recent discovery regarding the great pyramid of gizeh.
it begins this way:.
"archaeologists have uncovered a mysterious enclosure hidden deep inside the great pyramid of giza, the oldest of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
C.T. Russel's corpse just got a hard on.